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Corrective Surgery for Large Areolas & Nipples

Most women today are aware of breast augmentation and breast lift procedures to change the size, shape, contour, and position of the breast. Few know about areolar surgery to change the size and shape of the areola in a safe and predictable manner. Patients seldom realize that isolated problems of the nipples and areolas can…

Get a Balanced Bust with Breast Asymmetry Surgery!

Breast symmetry of the face and body is one of the essentials of beauty. Minor breast asymmetry is quite common, but some women have very noticeable asymmetry. These women often have one breast that is significantly larger than the other by a cup size or more. As if finding a comfortable, proper-fitting bra wasn’t a…

Reverse Acne Scarring and Sun Damage with Sublative Rejuvenation

Most people have their fair share of skin woes and seek solutions to their concerns. Sublative rejuvenation addresses so many different skin issues and paves the way for perfect skin. This state of the art technology is new to Dr.Rudderman’s office, and patients are eager to reap the rewards.  Fall is just around the corner,…

What Can I Do About Diastasis Recti?

Sexy Abs After Childbirth Have you ever wondered why your abs haven’t bounced back after childbirth? Do you have a “pooch” that often has people questioning your pregnancy status? It seems no amount of diet and exercise help flatten your post-pregnancy tummy. You could have diastasis recti which is muscle separation of the abdomen. Diastasis…

Dermaplaning: Reveal Healthy Glowing Skin!

Women have been shaving their faces for years behind closed doors! It’s been said that Hollywood sirens Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe kept their faces fabulous with this method. Put your razor and shaving cream away. Razor burn and cuts make the traditional method a bad approach. So what’s a girl to do? Dermaplaning is…

Plump Your Pout with Skinmedica TNS Lip Plump System

Have visions of plump lips been dancing in your head, as you nestle snug in your bed? Well, stop your pouting; there is a perfect product for you. Our office now carries the SkinMedica TNS Lip Plump System. This product is the perfect stocking stuffer for anyone on your holiday list! Have you noticed lately…

No Filter Needed for Your Show Stopping Selfie

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a selfie worth?  With the growing social media trend, a show-stopping selfie is an absolute must.  Women and men are both flocking to their plastic surgeon’s office in pursuit of improving their “image”.  Sure there are several editing programs to perfect your pic, but…

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon: The Gold Standard

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon: The Gold Standard

Here’s the scenario: Your friends discuss a doctor who they claim is Board Certified and is supposed to be “the best” and you have to question if they are really sure he is the best. Hoping to look better than ever, you book an appointment, but what you don’t know is that this surgeon is…